Killer Instinct Snes Cinder Move List

Killer instinct is a video game created by Rare for the SNES. It's a fighting game that was inspired by Mortal Kombat with the option of being able to overkill your enemy at the end of the final round in the match using what is dubbed as a 'No Mercy' finishing move or by punishing an enemy with a hyper extensive combo called an Ultra Combo (Also inspired by Mortal Kombat's hyper combo finishers called Brutalities except the enemy does not explode from the final hit in Killer Instinct). However, the amount of blood, gore and violence in this game is noticeably more tame than Mortal Kombat's level of horror. The 'No Mercy' finishing moves in Killer Instinct are a little more toned down, silly and toonish compared to Mortal Kombat's gruesome Fatalities.

Killer instinct fatality list snes

For Killer Instinct on the Super Nintendo, Move List and Guide by MikeD2Cool. Every ultra, ultimate, danger move and humiliation of Killer Instinct in 10 minutes! F = Forward B = Back D = Down U = Up WP = Weak Punch MP = Medium Punch.

There is a dinosaur character in Killer Instinct named Riptor who has a No Mercy move that involves lunging at the enemy before the target cries out in horror as the screen fades to black. Once the screen fades back in, we see Riptor on the ground with a bloated belly (rips a burp and fart in the arcade version). It is heavily implied that the dinosaur had eaten the enemy.

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Cinder was a convicted criminal who agreed to participate in Ultratech’s chemical weapons test in exchange for early parole. A failed experiment turned him into a being of living flame. He has now been offered freedom if he can defeat Glacius in the Killer Instinct tournament.

Name: Cinder
Age: 31
Height: 6’2″
Weight: 195 lbs.
Occupation: Criminal

Ben Ferris, a small-time criminal with counts of assault, breaking and entering and arson on his record, is the latest convict to be bought out of jail for Ultratech’s twisted uses. His fate is to be used as a human guinea-pig in the company’s chemical weapon developments, an unexpected side-effect leaving him consumed by fire but somehow, much to his own horror, still alive. He is kept confined in a top-security block until Ultratech decide to enter him into the tournament under the codename Cinder to defeat Glacius fairly and in full public view, his freedom providing the ultimate incentive.

Killer Instinct Fatality List Snes

Inferno: Forward, Forward And Any Kick
Fireflash: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward And Any Kick
Heatfist: Back, Back, Quick Punch
Heatsink: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Back, Fierce Punch
Mirage: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Back, Medium Punch
Trailblazer: Charge Back Then Forward And Any Punch
Trailblazer (In Air): Up, Forward, Forward And Any Punch

Special Moves
Combo Breaker: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward And Any Kick
Ultra Combo: Back Then Forward, Fierce Punch

End Specials
End Special 1: Charge Back Then Right, Any Punch, Medium Punch
End Special 2: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Kick, Fierce Kick
End Special 3: Forward. Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Kick, Medium Kick
End Special 4: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Kick, Quick Kick

Killer Instinct Snes Combo Guide

Danger Moves
No Mercy 1: [Stand 2 Character Distance Away] Back, Back, Back, Medium Punch
No Mercy 2: [Stand 2 Character Distance Away] Half Circle Forward, Quick Kick
Humiliation: Back, Back, Back, Back, Fierce Kick

Leaving as the champion of the tournament, a hostile police reception awaits him outside the gates of Ultratech. As no stranger to confinement from his former life of crime, Cinder has no intention of being imprisoned again. Using his newly acquired power, he easily evades the capture attempt, leaving his potential captors in his wake. Picking a location suitable for his current condition, he ponders his next move.